Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

On Sunday we went to Mike's parents house for some Delicious pizza and some great pumpkin carving. The kids went nuts. Because my kids are to little to carve their own pumpkins we did it for them. It was fun to touch the gooey mess. I carved 3 pumpkins.
Because Phoenix and Jersey didn't do any carving of their own they played with their cousin Miles who would push Phoenix in the little tike's car and push him into the wall. Phoenix thought it was so funny. When Miles got into the car and Phoenix was doing the pushing he didn't like it so much to be shoved into the wall.
Jersey through a few fits which is totally unusual so I couldn't take anymore of her drama and had to leave. She wasn't happy with me but I hope that she learned a lesson that screaming at your mom and dad won't get you anywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait...screaming at your parents doesn't really get you what you want? THAT explains a lot...