Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So I finally finished Twilight on Sunday. I have to say I was having a hard time getting into it and once I did it was good but then I was really tired of Bella always saying "I love you" to Edward. Maybe it's because Mike and don't say I love you a ton but I know that he loves me. So reading it made me feel a little weird. It was like reading public display of affection. Which even though I have been married for awhile I still have a hard time with it. I think it's because at Mesa High it was on every corner of the school and those images are embedded to much to want to do that with my HUSBAND. But I don't think I will be reading the rest. My friends were having a book club about the book and I went to it without reading the other books so I think I got the rest of the story. Sorry to all that love the series.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

love your new blog look, hate twilight!!!! bella is a psycho!!!!!! and edward is a murderer, good combo eh?