Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

I'm so glad that there is a day that we can celebrate a day for our DadS. My Dad is really great. I admire him a lot. He is very adventurus and he is great listener. He is always there when I need him. As a kid my dad was always there to support us in all the extra activities that we were in. I remember him spending a lot of time helping me with my softball skills and also being my coach.

I was also want to tribute to Mike's dad. He is a very sweet man. He is always there to help us when we are needing help. Plus he makes the best hot fudge I have ever tasted. Also not to mention that he takes beautiful photographs of my kids.

Finally to my own husband who is by definition a great HUSBAND, father and provider for my family. He works so hard so that we can have great things. I love that he such hard worker. Not to mention he can have his funny moments as well. He is great with my kids, he takes care of them so well. I don't know how I would be able to work if he didn't do such a great job. I'm so glad that he is my partner in all things. I love YOU MIKE!


Admin said...

I love your dad too. I always looked up to him growing up. I loved when he would bear his testimony in church & cry - it was so sweet & always helped me feel the Spirit. Thanks for sharing.

Hillary Corpuz said...

hello there.. are you excited for Thursday? I hope you are and I hope you wear your heels.. should be fun. Check out my blog, I am going to stop myspacing and do this, it's much more mello.

Anonymous said...

Howdy Beautiful! Thanks for the wonderful tribute! Of course, as you are well aware, the fact that I am a father all started with you! How grateful I am to our Heavenly Father for the privilege of being the father of our family.
