Monday, May 21, 2007

I love to Dress up.

At work to promote retention they had '80's Day. I love '80's day. So I went all out. I braided my hair and put curlers at the ends. After sleeping on the hair it was the biggest I had ever seen. I couldn't believe that I thought that was cool. Someone should have told me. Anyways I also wore a denim mini-skirt and then found a sweatshirt at the DI and cut it so that was lose at the top like on flash dance. With a bow in my hair, leggings and jelly shoes the package was complete. I didn't forget my lovely jewelry. I think dress up days are great. Mike thinks it's funny that I take them so seriously.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm so jealous you have the chance to dress up! Ahhh, the good ol' days. I wish I had my photo albums with me - I'd look at our 80's punk rocker photos. I'll try to remember when I'm in AZ. So fun!